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AutoFile Plus 5.0.8

AutoFile Plus AutoFile Plus 5.0.8

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AutoFile Plus Editor's Review

'AutoFile Plus' is a program that tracks vehicle fuel economy, trips, and service. It works on a PC, but also on a Palm OS handheld, a Pocket PC, or a Windows Mobile handheld. If you have existing data as a CSV file you can import it into AutoFile. You can define your own list of categories, vendors, payment types, destinations, oil grades, fuel grades, etc. When you start using the program, you need to create a vehicle, select it, and set up the preferred units and service intervals.

You can add a custom service or another 'Master List', as well as protect your data with a password. The program allows you to print reports for your vehicle. You can save the report as a RTF file, if you don't want to print it. In case of data loss, you can also create records of your data, which allows you to restore everything very easily.

The user interface doesn't have a new style design, but considering the type of application, I think that it shouldn't be judged by that.

Pluses: It offers many features.

Drawbacks / flaws: The producer should improve the user interface of this program.

In conclusion: Nice and useful program, if you have a car.

version reviewed: 4.1.1

AutoFile Plus Publisher's Description

AutoFile™ is your vehicle and automotive fuel economy (mileage), trips (business, personal), and service / expense tracking software for Palm OS®, Pocket PC, and Windows Mobile handheld PDAs, and it includes Windows PC companion software! Keep track of multiple vehicles easily and quickly on your handheld or desktop PC. Generates service reminders by...

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What's New in Version 5.0.8 of AutoFile Plus

Major update with WinMob smartphone support

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